API Management Documentation

Adding a New API for Monitoring

  1. API Name and Base URL
    • API Name: Enter a descriptive name for your API.
    • Base URL: Provide the base URL of the API (e.g., https://api.example.com).
  2. Routes to Monitor
    • Add the specific routes you want to monitor (e.g., /users, /posts).
    • Use the "Add Route" button to add more routes.
    • Remove a route by clicking the trash icon next to it.
  3. Notification Methods
    • Select the notification methods you want to use from the dropdown list.
  4. Failure Conditions (Optional)
    • Click "Status Code Rules" to expand the section.
    • Status Code Comparison: Specify a comparison rule (e.g., >= 400).
    • Exact Status Codes: List specific status codes to monitor (e.g., 500, 503).
  5. Authentication Type (Optional)
    • Click "Authentication Options" to expand the section.
    • Select the authentication type from the dropdown (None, API Key, Bearer Token, Basic Authentication).
    • Fill in the required fields based on the selected authentication type.
  6. Custom Headers
    • Add custom headers by specifying the key and value.
    • Use the "Add Header" button to add more headers.
    • Remove a header by clicking the trash icon next to it.
  7. Cron Schedule
    • Enter a cron schedule to specify how often the API should be monitored (e.g., */5 * * * * for every 5 minutes).
    • Use the "Generate with natural language" button to create a cron expression from plain text.
  8. Testing and Submitting
    • Click "Test API" to test the API routes.
    • Ensure the test is successful before submitting.
    • Click "Add API" to submit the form.

Editing an Existing API

  1. API Name and Base URL
    • Modify the API name and base URL as needed.
  2. Routes to Monitor
    • Update the routes you want to monitor.
    • Add or remove routes as necessary.
  3. Notification Methods
    • Update the selected notification methods.
  4. Failure Conditions (Optional)
    • Modify the status code comparison and exact status codes.
  5. Authentication Type (Optional)
    • Update the authentication type and related fields.
  6. Custom Headers
    • Add, update, or remove custom headers.
  7. Cron Schedule
    • Update the cron schedule as needed.
  8. Testing and Submitting
    • Click "Test API" to re-test the API routes if any changes were made.
    • Ensure the test is successful before submitting.
    • Click "Update API" to save the changes.

Additional Actions

  • Cancel: Click the "Cancel" button to discard changes and return to the API management list.


  • Ensure all required fields are filled out.
  • Validate the cron schedule before submitting.
  • Test the API routes to ensure they are reachable.